Garantiformular Reservedele skal bestilles via vores supportafdeling på 55776090 (tast 3) før en garantiformular kan udfyldes. Spare parts must be ordered through our support department on 55776090 (Press 3) before a warranty form can be filled out. G-nummer/G-number*G-nummeret fremgår i e-mailen som automatisk sendes når reservedelsbestillingen er udført. Kontakt vores support på 55 77 60 90 (tast 3) for at bestille reservedelen. The G-number appears in the e-mail that is automatically sent when the spare parts order has been completed. Contact our support on 55 77 60 90 (Press 3) to order the spare part.Forhandlerinformationer/Installer information* Firmanavn/Company name Kontaktperson/Contactperson Kundeinformationer/Customer information*Adresse/Adress* Adresse/Adress Adresse/Adress 2 By/City Postnr./Zip code Defekt komponent-Årsag til reklamation/Defective component-reason for complaint*Oplysninger på inde- eller udedel/Information about indoor/outdoor unit* Modelnavn/Modelname Serienummer/Serialnumber Kølemiddel/Refrigerant*Billede af serienummer/Picture of serial number*Et billede af serienummeret skal vedhæftes her/A picture of the serial number must be attached hereBillede af modelnummer/Picture of model code*Et billede af modelnummeret skal vedhæftes her/A picture of the model code must be attached hereInstallationsdato for anlæg/Date for installation* Date Format: DD dot MM dot YYYY Transport*Garantitaksterne ønskes/The warranty rates are wanted:* Udbetalt/As a pay out Som kreditnota/As a credit note Bankinformation (ved udbetaling)/Bankinformation (if pay out is chosen)Ønskes penge for garantitakster udbetalt bedes du indtaste konto oplysninger nedenfor/If you want money for guarantee rates paid out, please enter the account details below:CAPTCHAGarantiraten udbetales indenfor 30 dage efter modtagelse af garantiformular/is paid within 30 days